Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock.

When You know you have a great Vertical Jump, but now that you are here, we can help you “Slam Dunk Like you are in a video game…”

Once you have our secrets, you will have the ability to improve your vertical jump by as much as 9 – 15 inches with our developed tools, we promise!

Have you done all the work but still don’t have results? Practiced and read everything you can think of and still can’t get a better vertical jump? Think of this…

…Just See the Amazed looks on the faces of your friends and family when you jump higher than you ever have before and soar over everyone for a huge Dunk!

Hi, it’s Adam Folker…

I’m sure it sounds too good to be true and you may be unconvinced but keep reading. Below I will explain how I, Adam Folker as well as Justin Darlington as well as many other athletes, have increased our vertical jumps by  9 – 15 inches. And with the tips I will show you, you can learn how to do this in days or weeks, not in months. How amazing is that!

You may think that this will not work for you because your body is not the type that you usually see with a great vertical jump on TV. But that’s just because they have never tried these techniques before! So if you are already great at jumping or you have never been great, I’m about to show you 100% indisputable proof that you have the ability to gain huge air with your vertical too!